Deep data plane programming and AI for zero-trust self-driven networking in beyond 5G
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Computer Networks, Volume 203
Along with the high demand for network connectivity from both end-users and service providers, networks have become highly complex; and so has become their lifecycle management. Recent advances in automation, data analysis, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technologies (e.g., Blockchain), and data plane programming techniques have sparked the hope of the researchers’ community in exploring and leveraging these techniques towards realizing the much-needed vision of trustworthy self-driving networks (SelfDNs). In this vein, this article proposes a novel framework to empower fully distributed trustworthy SelfDNs across multiple domains. The framework vision is achieved by exploiting (i) the capabilities of programmable data planes to enable real-time in-network telemetry collection; (ii) the potential of P4 – as an important example of data plane programming languages – and AI to (re)write the source code of network components in a fashion that the network becomes capable of automatically translating a policy intent into executable actions that can be enforced on the network components; and (iii) the potential of blockchain and federated learning to enable decentralized, secure and trustable knowledge sharing between domains. A relevant use case is introduced and discussed to demonstrate the feasibility of the intended vision. Encouraging results are obtained and discussed.Description
Funding Information: This work was supported in part by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the MonB5G project (Grant No. 871780); and the Academy of Finland Project 6Genesis Flagship (Grant No. 318927). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 | openaire: EC/H2020/871780/EU//MonB5G
5G and beyond networks, AI, Blockchain, Data plane programming, Federated learning, P4, Self driving network, Zero trust
Other note
Hireche, O, Benzaïd, C & Taleb, T 2022, ' Deep data plane programming and AI for zero-trust self-driven networking in beyond 5G ', Computer Networks, vol. 203, 108668 .