Using contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments - a preliminary study of engineering students

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.authorRousi, Antti M.
dc.contributor.authorPalmgren, Virpi
dc.contributor.authorHeino, Kirsi
dc.contributor.departmentLibrary and Information Servicesen
dc.contributor.departmentKirjasto- ja tietopalvelutfi
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. This preliminary study examines the application of contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments. Method. This study was conducted by interviewing three engineering students who were participating at the Tools for master’s thesis course arranged by Aalto University Library’s Otaniemi Campus Library. The interview’s structure was two-fold, as it first sketched out the participant’s master’s thesis practices through Schatzki’s site ontology and secondly examined the perceived value of different information literacy learning tasks on the latter. Results. The master’s thesis practices of the interviewees were networked in complex ways with e.g. economic life and the interviewees invested much in them. Two of the interviewees worked with their thesis full-time with surroundings and tools provided by their employer. The interviewees valued most the lecture, which comprised of narratives of completed master’s thesis projects and the lecture of scientific writing. From the asynchronous online learning tasks, the interviewees valued most the information retrieval task and the concept map exercise. Conclusion. Spatial library spaces could be provided with asynchronous content such as descriptions of the library services through the tasks of the central user groups and e.g. introductory videos to information retrieval techniques. These contents could be spatially located so that they would serve as facile entrance points to the mobile digital library. The practice-based approaches seem to provide a fertile way of examining student learning and insights gained through them may prove to be valuable in designing new information literacy learning environments.en
dc.description.versionPeer revieweden
dc.identifier.citationRousi, Antti M. & Palmgren, Virpi & Heino, Kirsi. 2013. Using contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments - a preliminary study of engineering students. The 34th IATUL conference, Cape Town, South Africa on 14-18 April 2013. P. 5. 0966-4769 (printed).en
dc.identifier.issn0966-4769 (printed)
dc.publisherThe International Association of Scientific and Technological University Librariesen
dc.relation.ispartofThe 34th IATUL conference, Cape Town, South Africa on 14-18 April 2013en
dc.rightsIATUL, in line with open access principles, does not claim shared copyright with the author, only a non-exclusive right to publish. IATUL may publish both the abstract and the full-text of the paper on the IATUL Web site. IATUL may also disseminate or license the content of the paper to appropriate third parties.en
dc.subject.keywordblended learningen
dc.subject.keywordlearning environmentsen
dc.subject.keywordinformation literacyen
dc.subject.keywordlearning hubsen
dc.subject.keywordlibraries as collaborative hubsen
dc.subject.keywordpractice theoryen
dc.subject.keywordpractice-based approachesen
dc.subject.otherLibraries and Archivesen
dc.titleUsing contemporary practice-based approaches to generate data for guiding the design of information literacy learning environments - a preliminary study of engineering studentsen
dc.typeD3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussafi
dc.type.versionPost printen


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