Machine Learning Methods in Magnetospheric-Physics Time Series Data
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Bachelor's thesis
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Data Science
Degree programme
Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology
Today, a wealth of magnetospheric time series data from near-earth missions are utilized for various research purposes. One of the most common usage of the data is the categorization and detection of boundary crossing events to study the state of the magnetosphere throughout the duration of the mission. Due to the complexity of this task and the availability of magnetospheric data, many different machine learning algorithms have been employed to assist humans with various levels of accuracy. This thesis presents a comprehensive comparison of a 3D convolutional neural network (3D-CNN), a fully convolutional neural network (FCN), and a boosting algorithm when applied to data collected by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. The 3D-CNN model has the best overall accuracy at over 98%, followed by the lighter weight boosting algorithm with approximately 96% true positive rate. Finally, the FCN underperformed compared to the other models, still with over 89% accuracy. This result could be mainly attributed to the differences in datasets and the number of labels chosen. So, these variations notably should be minimized for future analysis of machine learning models. Despite the drawbacks of this comparison, it is shown that various machine learning models with different flexibility and weights are fully capable and suitable for the task of region detection in the magnetosphere.Description
Korpi-Lagg, MaaritThesis advisor
Weigt, DaleKeywords
machine learning, magnetosphere, MMS, THEMIS, time series data