Enabling Time-Synchronized and Interference-Aware Initialization of Wireless Sensor Networks

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School of Electrical Engineering | Doctoral thesis (article-based) | Defence date: 2014-01-31
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132 + app. 96


Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 8/2014


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide ad hoc wireless infrastructure to spatially distributed sensors to interact with physical or environmental phenomena. WSNs can offer a multitude of applications given that the sensors are able to collaborate and self-organize. These requirements are essential to accurately capture and reliably fuse the observations towards the application logic. This thesis studies time synchronization and interference management schemes to enable collaboration and self-organization in low-power WSNs.  Network-wide time synchronization is required both for the concurrent actuation of sensors and reliable data aggregation. Time synchronization is achieved by a clock synchronization algorithm which estimates the clock offset and clock skew at a sensor with respect to a reference time. The reference time is diffused in the network by a messaging protocol. This thesis studies clock offset and skew estimation methods for broadcast-based exchange of the reference time. The offset estimation is based on a study to eliminate the delay factors in the communication path. For skew estimation based on linear-regression, the correlation between time synchronization period and regression size is studied. In addition, a maximum-likelihood skew estimator, which minimizes the estimation error variance, is validated.  From an application's perspective, the time synchronization service should provide the desired synchronization accuracy in a transparent and energy-efficient manner. This thesis demonstrates this ability by extending the proposed time synchronization methods for a) tight synchronization among vibration samples in a structural health monitoring application, b) communication scheduling in time and frequency.  WSNs deployed in shared unlicensed bands need to analyze and mitigate interference. The low-power transmissions of sensor nodes are otherwise prone to corruption from high-power transmissions of coexisting wireless networks. Therein, this thesis proposes coexistence models for energy-detection based link-quality estimation. The coexistence models are utilized to formulate low-complexity coexistence enhancement algorithms named channel ranking. A ranking algorithm creates an ordered list of the candidate channels using a channel quality metric (CQM). The algorithms differ with respect to their design of CQM, the main design factor being the availability of network connectivity information which is usually unknown upon network initialization.


Supervising professor

Jäntti, Riku, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Communications and Networking Comnet, Finland


time synchronization, coexistence modeling, channel ranking

Other note


  • [Publication 1]: A. Mahmood, R. Jantti. Time synchronization accuracy for realtime wireless sensor networks. In IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications, MICC, pp. 652 – 657, December 2009.
  • [Publication 2]: H. Yiğitler, A. Mahmood, R. Virrankoski, R. Jantti. Recursive clock skew estimation for wireless sensor networks using reference broadcasts. IET Wireless Sensor Systems, pp. 338 – 350, December 2012.
  • [Publication 3]: M. Bocca, A. Mahmood, L. M. Eriksson, J. Kullaa, R. Jantti. A synchronized wireless sensor network for experimental modal analysis in structural health monitoring. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 26, issue 7, pp. 483 – 499, October 2011.
  • [Publication 4]: E. I. Cosar, A. Mahmood, M. Bjorkbom. A-Stack: a real-time protocol stack for IEEE 802.15.4 radios. In IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN, pp. 1020 – 1023, October 2011.
  • [Publication 5]: M. M. A. Hossain, A. Mahmood, R. Jantti. Channel ranking algorithms for cognitive coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4. In IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, pp. 112 – 116, September 2009.
  • [Publication 6]: A. Mahmood, R. Jantti. A decision theoretic approach for channel ranking in crowded unlicensed bands. Wireless Networks, Volume 17, issue 4, pp. 907 – 919, May 2011.
  • [Publication 7]: A. Mahmood, K. Koufos, R. Jantti. Channel ranking algorithm and ranking error bounds: a two channel case. In IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, pp. 1071 – 1076, September 2011.
  • [Publication 8]: A. Mahmood, H. Yiğitler, R. Jantti. Stochastic packet collision modeling in coexisting wireless networks for link quality evaluation. In IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC, pp. 508 – 513, June 2013.
  • [Publication 9]: H. Shariatmadari, A. Mahmood, R. Jantti. Channel ranking based on packet delivery ratio estimation in wireless sensor networks. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, pp. 59 – 64, April 2013.
