Thermodynamic Examination of Selected Phases in the Ag–Co–Sn–S System at T < 600 K by the Solid-State EMF Method
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Energy Technology 2023, Minerals, Metals and Materials Series
Phase equilibria in the part SnS–SnS2–CoS2–CoS–Ag2CoS2–SnS of the Ag–Co–Sn–S system at T < 600 K were investigated by the modified solid-state electromotive force (EMF) method. The position of established phase regions vs point of Ag was used to express the overall potential-forming reactions. The reactions were performed in the positive electrodes of the electrochemical cells (ECCs). The positive electrodes of ECCs were prepared from carefully mixed non-equilibrium powder mixtures of Ag, Ag2S, CoS2, Co3S4, Co9S8, SnS2, Sn2S3, and SnS. Synthesis of the equilibrium set of phases in the positive electrodes of the ECCs was facilitated by Ag+ ions that shifted from the left electrode and acted as the small nucleation centers of formation of the compounds. Linear dependences of the EMF of the ECCs on temperature were used for calculating standard Gibbs energies, enthalpies, and entropies of formations of the compounds CoS, AgCoS2, Ag2CoS2, Ag2CoSnS4, and Ag2CoSn3S8. The thermodynamic data obtained in the present study were compared and analyzed in detail.Description
Funding Information: This research was supported by the national projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: “Scientific and experimental basis for the production of composite oxide, chalcogenide materials with extended service life” (No. 0121U109620) and “Synthesis, physicochemical and thermodynamic properties of nano sized and nanostructured materials for electrochemical systems” (No. 0120U102184). This work was partly funded by the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland under the project “Innovative ewaste recycling processes for greener and more efficient recoveries of critical metals and energy” at Åbo Akademi University. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Ag-based compounds, EMF method, Gibbs energy, Phase equilibria, Thermodynamic properties
Other note
Moroz, M, Tesfaye, F, Demchenko, P, Prokhorenko, M, Mysina, O, Soliak, L, Lindberg, D, Reshetnyak, O & Hupa, L 2023, Thermodynamic Examination of Selected Phases in the Ag–Co–Sn–S System at T < 600 K by the Solid-State EMF Method . in S Alam, D Post Guillen, F Tesfaye, L Zhang, S A C Hockaday, N R Neelameggham, H Peng, N Haque & Y Liu (eds), Energy Technology 2023 : Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies . Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, Springer, pp. 261-272, TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, California, United States, 19/03/2023 .