Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Compounds in the Ag–Ga–S–AgBr System for Modern Application in Energy Conversion Devices

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The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series


The phase equilibria of the Ag–Ga–S–AgBr system in the part GaS–Ga 2S 5–AgBr–Ag 2S below 600 K were investigated by the modified electromotive force (EMF) method using the Ag + catalysts as small nucleation centers of equilibrium phases. Division of the GaS–Ga 2S 5–AgBr–Ag 2S was carried out with the participation of the following compounds Ag 2S, GaS, Ga 2S 3, AgBr, Ag 9GaS 6, AgGaS 2, Ag 3SBr, Ag 3Ga 2S 4Br, and Ag 27Ga 2S 12Br 9. Reactions were performed by applying electrochemical cells (ECs) with the structure: (−) IE | NE | SSE | R{Ag +} | PE | IE (+), where IE is the inert electrode (graphite powder), NE is the negative electrode (silver powder), SSE is the solid-state electrolyte (glassy Ag 3GeS 3Br), PE is the positive electrode, R{Ag +} is the region of Ag + diffusion into PE. The measured EMF and temperature values of ECs were used to determine the standard thermodynamic functions of the compounds Ag 3Ga 2S 4Br and Ag 27Ga 2S 12Br.


2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition : Energy Technologies and CO2 Management, TMS 2024 ; Conference date: 03-03-2024 Through 07-03-2024


EMF method, Gibbs energy, Phase equilibria, Photovoltaic compounds, Thermodynamic properties

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Moroz, M, Tesfaye, F, Demchenko, P, Prokhorenko, M, Rudyk, B, Pereviznyk, O, Mastronardo, E, Lindberg, D, Reshetnyak, O & Hupa, L 2024, Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Compounds in the Ag–Ga–S–AgBr System for Modern Application in Energy Conversion Devices . in C Iloeje, S Alam, D P Guillen, F Tesfaye, L Zhang, S A Hockaday, N R Neelameggham, H Peng, N Haque, O Yücel & A A Baba (eds), Energy Technology 2024: Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies . vol. 1, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, Springer, pp. 257-268, TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, United States, 03/03/2024 .