MIRA!: An SDN-based Framework for Cross-Domain Fast Migration of Ultra-Low Latency 5G Services
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2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018, IEEE Global Communications Conferences
Given the constantly growing demand for inter-data-center services that 5G networks are bringing, live migration has become a covet and very challenging technology. Meanwhile, the emergence of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies has completely transformed modern networks by offering more flexibility and at the same time more complexity. So far, investigations have been confined to integrating the live migration process with SDN/NFV paradigms in order to ensure the desired Quality of Experience (QoE). However, the simple integration is not sufficient to handle unexpected cases such as resources’ unavailability, networking issues, and system control. For this purpose, we present MIRA!, a novel framework for managing reliable live migrations of virtual resources across different Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), handling unexpected cases, while ensuring high QoS and a very low downtime without human intervention using an SDN aware solution. To validate our proposed framework, we performed a set of experimental evaluations under different configurations. The obtained results of our proposed framework show a 21% time reduction compared to a prior work and an interesting behavior while modifying the number of allocated CPU cores.Description
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Addad, R, Cadette Dutra, D, Taleb, T & Bagaa, M 2018, MIRA!: An SDN-based Framework for Cross-Domain Fast Migration of Ultra-Low Latency 5G Services . in 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018 . IEEE Global Communications Conferences, IEEE, IEEE Global Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 09/12/2018 . https://doi.org/10.1109/GLOCOM.2018.8648002