Identification of Synchronous Machine Magnetization Characteristics From Calorimetric Core-Loss and No-Load Curve Measurements
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 51, Issue 3
The magnetic material characteristics of a wound-field synchronous machine are identified based on global calorimetric core-loss and no-load curve measurements. This is accomplished by solving a coupled experimental-numerical electromagnetic inverse problem, formulated to minimize the difference between a finite-element (FE) simulation-based Kriging surrogate model and the measurement results. The core-loss estimation in the FE model is based on combining a dynamic iron-loss model and a static vector Jiles-Atherton hysteresis model, the parameters for which are obtained by solving the inverse problem. The results show that reasonable hysteresis loops can be produced for a grid-supplied machine, while for an inverter-supplied machine the limitations in the FE and iron-loss models seemingly exaggerate the area of the loop. In addition, the effect of the measurement uncertainty on the inverse problem is quantitatively estimated.Description
Calorimetric loss measurements, electromagnetic inverse problems, iron losses, magnetic hysteresis, synchronous machines
Other note
Rasilo, Paavo & Abdallh, Ahmed Abou-Elyazied & Belahcen, Anouar & Arkkio, Antero & Dupre, Luc. 2015. Identification of Synchronous Machine Magnetization Characteristics From Calorimetric Core-Loss and No-Load Curve Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Volume 51, Issue 3. 4. ISSN 0018-9464 (printed). DOI: 10.1109/tmag.2014.2354055.