Distribution of trace elements in the blister copper – white metal system: copper blow conditions
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Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu |
Master's thesis
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Sustainable Metals processing
Degree programme
Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering
99 + 34
The aim of this experimental work is to investigate the distribution coefficients (LXCu/Wm) of cobalt, nickel, silver, gold and palladium in copper converting conditions between the metal phase and the white metal phase. The first part of this work is a literature review, the later part describes the experimental work and presents the data. The experimental work investigates the distribution coefficients of the elements as functions of temperature ranging from 1250 C° to 1350 °C and sulphur dioxide partial pressures ranging from 0.01 to 1 atm in SO2 – Ar mixtures. The experimental work consisted of the equilibration of the samples, quenching into ice cold water, grinding and polishing of the cross sections and the analysis of concentrations in both phases by EPMA. The EPMA work was carried out at the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). It was found that there are dependencies between the LXCu/Wm and PSO2 and temperature for silver, gold, palladium and nickel. Silver was found to be more concentrated to the metal phase at 1250 °C and 1 atm P(SO2) with a value for LAgCu/Wm decreases as a function of increasing temperature and decreasing P(SO2). LNiCu/Wm is found to increase with increasing temperature and P(SO2). For cobalt it was found that there was a dependency between LXCu/Wm and PSO2. LCoCu/Wm increases as P(SO2) decreases, LCoCu/Wm falls from 0.85 to 0.15. The concentrations of silver in certain experiments, gold and palladium in the white metal phase fell below the detection limit of the EPMA. Both gold and palladium were found to be more concentrated to the metal phaseDescription
Jokilaakso, AriThesis advisor
Taskinen, PekkaSukhomlinov, Dmitry
distribution coefficient, copper converting, EPMA, trace elements