Visualising Our Future - Designing the Public Realm Together

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys





Degree programme






Aalto University publication series ART + DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE, 7/2024


This book is a contribution to the research, design and development of the green transition through community retrofit, targeted especially for Finnish architecture offices, but can be useful for anybody involved with sustainable urbanism and architecture. The challenge in the green transition for architecture companies is that they have difficulties in operating in the new realm of objectives, where it is not enough to design aesthetic or purely functional artefacts, but also to support significantly higher environmental and societal goals through creative work and to facilitate evolutionary projects, where local networks develop designs that support sustainable, long-term life-cycle development. Many Finnish architecture companies have pre-conditional skills for this transition, but they need help in formulating, tuning and optimising their services in order to manoeuvre and grow their capacity in this future-facing role. This publication aims to help the architecture offices develop new sustainable business skills in a way where they should not jeopardise the widely recognised quality of Finnish architecture. The book aims to recognise and strengthen knowledge and skills especially in the Finnish architectural culture. Based on the Finnish context, the book discusses social innovation as business and hidden architectural information. We also introduce new methods and devices that can be used in any building or urban scale projects which advance sustainability: the method of qualitative evolutionary design, a digital tool for visualising future scenarios together, relationship-, activation- and value oriented service architecture approaches, as well as a scrutiny on digital media and video as tools for architecture offices which intend to advance and disseminate sustainable practices. The end of the book includes the reports of the project's stages.



urban design, building design, mobility design, sustainability, business, qualitative evolutionary design, design methods, digital tools

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