Review of Blockchain Technology & Its Potential in Supply Chain Management

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorTinnilä, Markku
dc.contributor.authorKajaste, Tapio
dc.contributor.departmentTieto- ja palvelujohtamisen laitosfi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Businessen
dc.description.abstractAbstract This Batchelor’s Thesis is literature review of blockchain technology and its current situation of discussion regarding presented applications, security issues and challenges and the potential in supply chain management. For a long time, most of the discussion around blockchain has only included financial sector. However, as one notices after reading this paper, there are plenty of discussion in other fields also, including supply chain management. This thesis includes some technological elements of blockchain technology and aims to get the overall understanding of the technology. Other discussions around the blockchain includes applications in financial, IoT, public and social services, reputation and security and privacy. Discussion around supply chain management includes some SCM’s challenges and the potential of blockchain in SCM. In supply chain management, blockchain is already a part of some pilot projects and different companies has taken the bettering of supply chain, with the discussed technology, as a mission. There is a belief that blockchain technology’s benefits for supply chain is added transparency, visibility and more secure information storaging. Implemention of blockhain in supply chain management is, however, in its early stages. It needs lots of work and cooperation of different parties involving the supply chain. But future will show the advantages that blockchain will have in SCM. Some of these advantages could be; introducing of more ethical and environmental view of doing business, improved efficiency of supply chain management through better and more trusted information flow between different parties. As a source of a literature has been utilized different research papers, articles, conference proceedings and in some points company pages.en
dc.programmeTieto- ja palvelujohtaminenen
dc.subject.keywordsupply chainen
dc.subject.keywordsupply chain managementen
dc.titleReview of Blockchain Technology & Its Potential in Supply Chain Managementen
dc.typeG1 Kandidaatintyöfi
dc.type.ontasotBachelor's thesisen
