Renovation realities: Actors, institutional work and the struggle to transform Finnish energy policy
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 70
Transitions research argues that destabilizing current carbon-intensive regimes is necessary for transforming energy systems. In this study, we analyze how both new and established energy policy actors seek to influence energy transitions in a relatively stable institutional context. Our empirical focus is on Finland, where the governance of energy policy has been characterized as closed and stagnant and is increasingly challenged by novel actors. The analysis is based on expert interviews (n=24), completed with existing literature and other documentary material. We examine the different forms of institutional work actors undertake. Our analysis shows how the existing institutional setting conditions actors’ choices over the endeavors that are worth pursuing. We show how the institutional work approach adds nuance to studying actors’ activities in regime destabilization processes. We find that actors focus on creative institutional work and avoid disruptive activities. While our results confirm a strong commitment to carbon neutrality, the focus on creative institutional work and a lack of disruption point to incremental changes in energy policy and networks.Description
Agency, Carbon neutrality, Destabilization, Discourse, Energy transitions, Politics
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Kainiemi, L, Karhunmaa, K & Eloneva, S 2020, ' Renovation realities : Actors, institutional work and the struggle to transform Finnish energy policy ', Energy Research and Social Science, vol. 70, 101778 .