Socio-cultural framing during the emergence of a technological field: Creating cultural resonance for solar technology
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Research Policy, Volume 48, issue 9
This paper depicts how cultural resonance for novel technologies is constructed as a gradual, interactive process. We adopt a cultural framing perspective and strive to understand how actors assign meaning to the novel technology and determine its appropriateness for the local context. Existing research has largely focused on the strategic and political aspects of field framing processes through depicting conscious framing struggles between protagonist and antagonist actors. In addition to such strategic framing activities, we examine how other socio-cultural factors, such as changes in actor positions, interaction between framing activities, and the cultural “repertoire” of frames interact in producing cultural resonance. For our empirical case study, we followed the emerging technological field of solar energy during an intensive period of change. Our study contributes to the growing number of studies that draw attention to the creation of cultural resonance as an interactive multi-actor process by offering in-depth understanding of the multifaceted interactions that constitute the meaning-making process for an emerging field.Description
Field emergence, Framing, Socio-technical transitions, Solar energy, Technological innovation
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Lempiälä, T, Apajalahti, E L, Haukkala, T & Lovio, R 2019, ' Socio-cultural framing during the emergence of a technological field : Creating cultural resonance for solar technology ', Research Policy, vol. 48, no. 9, 103830 .