Building information modelling of rock reinforcement
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Master's thesis
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Degree programme
Master's Programme in Geoengineering (GEO)
Building information modelling has been effectively around for a few years now in the field of rock engineering but the topic of creating rock reinforcement structures (rockbolts and sprayed concrete) has not been studied in this extent before. This thesis studies the process of creating rock reinforcement structures with Autodesk’s AutoCAD Civil 3D software to achieve compatible rock reinforcement structures with the present buildingSMART’s common InfraBIM YIV2015 requirements. In addition, the goal is to achieve an editable rock reinforcement structure. A further goal is to study supporting features for rock reinforcement information building models. During the making of the thesis, two real case projects are modelled and they are used to examine the set goals. Modelling of excavation surfaces is a prerequisite to enable the design and modelling of rock reinforcement structures, which is achieved. As an outcome of this thesis, the rock reinforcement structures are modelled successfully and requirements presented in the YIV2015 for rockbolts and sprayed concrete are successfully fulfilled. Modelling of rock reinforcement structures proves to be a straightforward process when working with simple excavation geometries but more challenging and laborious when applied to more demanding excavation geometries. An editable rock reinforcement structure is important to enable adaptation to the site’s changing conditions which is achieved during the making of this thesis. However, this does not quite match the author’s vision of efficiently editable rock reinforcement structure. The subjects of parametric and dynamic modelling along with supplementary add-ons and other design platforms are important, as they are the key for achieving such a structure. Supportive features are studied to offer more tools for rock engineers. The results presented in this thesis enable rock engineers to add their designs to combination models along with other design fields. It is important to maintain and develop instructions and requirements, like YIV2015. The instructions and requirements guide designers to create uniform models despite the used modelling software to enable a good method of construction in the future.Description
Rinne, MikaelThesis advisor
Saarikivi, HeikkiKeywords
building information modelling, BIM, rock reinforcement, rock support, rockbolt, sprayed concrete