Reconfigurable antennas and radio wave propagation at millimeter-wave frequencies

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorKürner, Thomas, Prof., Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
dc.contributor.advisorAla-Laurinaho, Juha, Dr., Aalto University, Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Finland
dc.contributor.authorSemkin, Vasilii
dc.contributor.departmentRadiotieteen ja -tekniikan laitosfi
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Radio Science and Engineeringen
dc.contributor.schoolSähkötekniikan korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Electrical Engineeringen
dc.contributor.supervisorRäisänen, Antti V., Prof., Aalto University, Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Finland
dc.description.abstractFor the last decades we have been witnessing the evolution of wireless radio networks. Since new devices appear and the mobile traffic, as well as the number of users, grows rapidly, there is a great demand in high capacity communications with better coverage, high transmission quality, and more efficient use of the radio spectrum. In this thesis, reconfigurable antennas at micro- and millimeter-wave frequencies and peculiar properties of radio wave propagation at mm-wave frequencies are studied. Reconfigurable antennas can improve radio link performance. Recently, many different concepts have been developed in the reconfigurable antenna design to control the antenna bandwidth, resonant frequency, polarization, and radiation properties. In the first part of the thesis, we investigate mechanically tunable antennas operating at microwave frequencies with the ability to change the shape of the conductor element and, consequently, to control the radiation properties of the antenna. Also in the first part, we study conformal antenna arraysfor 60 GHz applications based on cylindrical structures. Beam switching technology is implemented by realizing several antenna arrays around the cylinder with a switching network.Scanning angles of +34˚/-32˚ are achieved. Moreover, it is vital to study radio wave propagation peculiarities at mm-wave frequencies in indoor and outdoor environments to be able to deploy wireless networks effectively. The propagation part of the thesis focuses on several aspects. First, we investigate how the estimation of optimum antenna configurations in indoor environment can be done usingrealistic propagation models at 60 GHz. Ray tracing simulations are performed and realistic human blockage models are considered. Second, we present the results from a measurement campaign where reflection and scattering properties of two different built surfaces are studied in the millimeter-wave E-band (71-76 and 81-86 GHz). Next, we present a geometry based channel model for a street canyon scenario, using angular-domain measurement results to calculate realistic power angular spectra in the azimuth and elevation planes. Then, we evaluate propagation effects on the radio channel on the rooftop of the buildings bymeasurements and simulations. We have used unmanned aerial vehicles and photogrammetrytechnique to create a highly accurate 3D model of the environment. Based on a comparison of the measured and simulated power delay profiles, we show that the highly accurate 3D modelsare beneficial in radio wave propagation planning at mm-wave frequencies instead of using simple geometrical models.en
dc.format.extent62 + app. 56
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-60-6940-1 (electronic)
dc.identifier.isbn978-952-60-6941-8 (printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4942 (electronic)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (printed)
dc.identifier.issn1799-4934 (ISSN-L)
dc.opnJofre, Lluís, Prof., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
dc.publisherAalto Universityen
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 1]: V. Semkin, O. Platonov, M. Kyrö, and A. V. Räisänen, “Liquid metal patch antenna and antenna array for WLAN applications,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2462-2464, Oct. 2014. DOI: 10.1002/mop.28612
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 2]: V. Semkin, A. Bisognin, M. Kyrö, V.-M. Kolmonen, C. Luxey, F. Ferrero, F. Devillers, and A. V. Räisänen, “Conformal antenna array for millimeter-wave communications: performance evaluation,” International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2015, available online, doi:10.1017/S1759078715001282
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 3]: V. Semkin, F. Ferrero, A. Bisognin, J. Ala-Laurinaho, C. Luxey, F. Devillers, and A. V. Räisänen, “Beam switching conformal antenna array for mm-wave communications,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 28-31, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2015.2426510
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 4]: V. Semkin, M. Jacob, T. Kürner, A. Bisognin, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, and A. V. Räisänen, “Estimation of optimum antenna configurations supported by realistic propagation models at 60 GHz,” European Conference on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, Apr. 2014, pp. 3434-3438. DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902567
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 5]: M. Kyrö, V. Semkin, and V.-M. Kolmonen, “Empirical characterization of scattering pattern of built surfaces at mm-wave frequencies,”European Conference on Antennas and Propag. (EuCAP2013), Gothenburg, Sweden, Apr. 2013, pp. 112-115.
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 6]: V. Semkin, U. Virk, A. Karttunen, K. Haneda, and A. V. Räisänen, “Eband propagation channel measurements in an urban street canyon,”The 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, Apr. 2015.
dc.relation.haspart[Publication 7]: V. Semkin, D. Solomitckii, R. Naderpour, S. Andreev, Y. Koucheryavy, and A.V. Räisänen, “Characterization of radio links at 60 GHz using simple geometrical and highly accurate 3D models,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (original manuscript submitted 21.04.2016, under major revision at the time of printing the thesis), 2016.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONSen
dc.revZwick, Thomas, Prof., Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany
dc.revAydin Civi, Özlem, Prof., Middle East Technical University, Turkey
dc.subject.keywordreconfigurable antennasen
dc.subject.keywordbeam switchingen
dc.subject.keywordhigh-capacity communicationsen
dc.subject.keywordradio wave propagationen
dc.subject.otherElectrical engineeringen
dc.subject.otherTelecommunications engineeringen
dc.titleReconfigurable antennas and radio wave propagation at millimeter-wave frequenciesen
dc.typeG5 Artikkeliväitöskirjafi
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertation (article-based)en
dc.type.ontasotVäitöskirja (artikkeli)fi


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