How do Long-term and Short-term Energy Crises Affect Low-Carbon District Heating Production?-A Case Study in Finland
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2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2023, International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, Volume 2023-June
This study examines how long-term and short-term energy crises may affect heat production in low-carbon District Heating (DH) networks. For this purpose, various scenarios decarbonizing DH network are investigated mainly in two groups, i.e., biomass combustion scenarios and waste heat-based scenarios. The duration of the hypothetical energy crisis is assumed as 3 years (Short-term Energy Crisis) and 10 years (Long-term Energy Crisis), and it is defined as a sharp increase in the electricity and biomass prices compared to the average prices over 2015-2020. Heat Production Cost (HPC), and Break-Even Price (BEP) are calculated and compared in various scenarios. The results show that in both long-term and short-term energy crises, biomass CHP has a significantly better performance compared to biomass HOB and waste heat-heat pump, but it provides much more expensive heat as the end-use product. Biomass HOB and waste heat-heat pump perform very similarly.Description
Funding Information: This article received funding from the Academy of Finland, through the Profiling Funding 5 (grant No. 326346). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 IEEE.
Biomass Combustion, Energy Crisis, Low-Carbon District Heating, Waste Heat Recovery
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Moradpoor, I, Syri, S & Hirvonen, J 2023, How do Long-term and Short-term Energy Crises Affect Low-Carbon District Heating Production?-A Case Study in Finland . in 2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2023 . International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, vol. 2023-June, IEEE, International Conference on the European Energy Market, Lappeenranta, Finland, 06/06/2023 .