Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Max Planck Inst Astrophys, Max Planck Society
Department of Applied Physics
JET EFDA, Culham Sci Ctr
Technische Universität München
Consorzio RFX
Assoc EURATOM FZJ, Euratom, Julich Research Center, Forschungszentrum Julich, Inst Energy & Climate Res
University of Lorraine
Istituto Fisica del Plasma "Piero Caldirola" (IFP-CNR)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Innsbruck Medical University
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Plasma Physics & Laser Microfusion (IFPiLM)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)
General Atomics & Affiliated Companies
University of Sevilla
University of Texas at Austin
Max Planck Comp & Data Facil
Ecole Polytechnique
Hochschule der Medien
Technical University of Denmark
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of California at Santa Barbara
School services, SCI
Vienna University of Technology
Assoc EURATOM Hellen Republ, NCSR Demokritos
York University
CCFE Fusion Assoc
Univ Coll Cork UCC
Princeton University
Ghent University
Chinese Acad Sci, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Natl Astron Observ
Department of Radio Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Univ Aix Marseille 1, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Aix-Marseille, Universite de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, UMR 6098, CNRS
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Max Planck Inst Astrophys, Max Planck Society
Department of Applied Physics
JET EFDA, Culham Sci Ctr
Technische Universität München
Consorzio RFX
Assoc EURATOM FZJ, Euratom, Julich Research Center, Forschungszentrum Julich, Inst Energy & Climate Res
University of Lorraine
Istituto Fisica del Plasma "Piero Caldirola" (IFP-CNR)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Innsbruck Medical University
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Plasma Physics & Laser Microfusion (IFPiLM)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Eindhoven University of Technology
Swedish Research Council (VR)
General Atomics & Affiliated Companies
University of Sevilla
University of Texas at Austin
Max Planck Comp & Data Facil
Ecole Polytechnique
Hochschule der Medien
Technical University of Denmark
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of California at Santa Barbara
School services, SCI
Vienna University of Technology
Assoc EURATOM Hellen Republ, NCSR Demokritos
York University
CCFE Fusion Assoc
Univ Coll Cork UCC
Princeton University
Ghent University
Chinese Acad Sci, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Natl Astron Observ
Department of Radio Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Univ Aix Marseille 1, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Aix-Marseille, Universite de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, UMR 6098, CNRS
Degree programme
NUCLEAR FUSION, Volume 57, issue 10
The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme is directed towards physics input to critical elements of the ITER design and the preparation of ITER operation, as well as addressing physics issues for a future DEMO design. Since 2015, AUG is equipped with a new pair of 3-strap ICRF antennas, which were designed for a reduction of tungsten release during ICRF operation. As predicted, a factor two reduction on the ICRF-induced W plasma content could be achieved by the reduction of the sheath voltage at the antenna limiters via the compensation of the image currents of the central and side straps in the antenna frame. There are two main operational scenario lines in AUG. Experiments with low collisionality, which comprise current drive, ELM mitigation/suppression and fast ion physics, are mainly done with freshly boronized walls to reduce the tungsten influx at these high edge temperature conditions. Full ELM suppression and non-inductive operation up to a plasma current of I-p = 0.8 MA could be obtained at low plasma density. Plasma exhaust is studied under conditions of high neutral divertor pressure and separatrix electron density, where a fresh boronization is not required. Substantial progress could be achieved for the understanding of the confinement degradation by strong D puffing and the improvement with nitrogen or carbon seeding. Inward/outward shifts of the electron density profile relative to the temperature profile effect the edge stability via the pressure profile changes and lead to improved/decreased pedestal performance. Seeding and D gas puffing are found to effect the core fueling via changes in a region of high density on the high field side (HFSHD). The integration of all above mentioned operational scenarios will be feasible and naturally obtained in a large device where the edge is more opaque for neutrals and higher plasma temperatures provide a lower collisionality. The combination of exhaust control with pellet fueling has been successfully demonstrated. High divertor enrichment values of nitrogen E-N >= 10 have been obtained during pellet injection, which is a prerequisite for the simultaneous achievement of good core plasma purity and high divertor radiation levels. Impurity accumulation observed in the all-metal AUG device caused by the strong neoclassical inward transport of tungsten in the pedestal is expected to be relieved by the higher neoclassical temperature screening in larger devices.Description
nuclear fusion, tokamak physics, ITER, DEMO, 114 Physical sciences
Other note
Aguiam , D , Aho-Mantila , L , Angioni , C , Arden , N , Parra , R A , Asunta , O , de Baar , M , Balden , M , Behler , K , Bergmann , A , Bernardo , J , Bernert , M , Beurskens , M , Biancalani , A , Bilato , R , Birkenmeier , G , Bobkov , V , Bock , A , Bogomolov , A , Bolzonella , T , Boeswirth , B , Bottereau , C , Bottino , A , van den Brand , H , Brezinsek , S , Brida , D , Brochard , F , Bruhn , C , Buchanan , J , Buhler , A , Burckhart , A , Cambon-Silva , D , Camenen , Y , Carvalho , P , Carrasco , G , Cazzaniga , C , Carr , M , Carralero , D , Casali , L , Castaldo , C , Cavedon , M , Challis , C , Chankin , A , Chapman , I , Clairet , F , Classen , I , Coda , S , Coelho , R , Coenen , J W , Colas , L , Conway , G , Costea , S , Coster , D P , Croci , G , Cseh , G , Czarnecka , A , D'Arcangelo , O , Day , C , Delogu , R , de Marne , P , Denk , S , Denner , P , Dibon , M , D'Inca , R , Di Siena , A , Douai , D , Drenik , A , Drube , R , Dunne , M , Duval , B P , Dux , R , Eich , T , Elgeti , S , Engelhardt , K , Erdos , B , Erofeev , I , Esposito , B , Fable , E , Faitsch , M , Fantz , U , Faugel , H , Felici , F , Fietz , S , Figueredo , A , Fischer , R , Ford , O , Frassinetti , L , Freethy , S , Froeschle , M , Fuchert , G , Fuchs , J C , Fuenfgelder , H , Galazka , K , Galdon-Quiroga , J , Gallo , A , Gao , Y , Garavaglia , S , Garcia-Munoz , M , Geiger , B , Cianfarani , C , Giannone , L , Giovannozzi , E , Gleason-Gonzalez , C , Gloeggler , S , Gobbin , M , Goerler , T , Goodman , T , Gorini , G , Gradic , D , Graeter , A , Granucci , G , Greuner , H , Griener , M , Groth , M , Gude , A , Guenter , S , Guimarais , L , Haas , G , Hakola , A H , Ham , C , Happel , T , Harrison , J , Hatch , D , Hauer , V , Hayward , T , Heinemann , B , Heinzel , S , Hellsten , T , Henderson , S , Hennequin , P , Herrmann , A , Heyn , E , Hitzler , F , Hobirk , J , Hoelzl , M , Hoeschen , T , Holm , J H , Hopf , C , Hoppe , F , Horvath , L , Houben , A , Huber , A , Igochine , V , Ilkei , T , Ivanova-Stanik , I , Jacob , W , Jacobsen , A S , Jacquot , J , Janky , F , Jardin , A , Jaulmes , F , Jenko , F , Jensen , T , Joffrin , E , Kaesemann , C , Kallenbach , A , Kalvin , S , Kantor , M , Kappatou , A , Kardaun , O , Karhunen , J , Kasilov , S , Kernbichler , W , Kim , D , Kimmig , S , Kirk , A , Klingshirn , H -J , Koch , F , Kocsis , G , Koehn , A , Kraus , M , Krieger , K , Krivska , A , Kraemr-Flecken , A , Kurki-Suonio , T , Kurzan , B , Lackner , K , Laggner , F , Lang , P T , Lauber , P , Lazanyi , N , Lazaros , A , Lebschy , A , Li , L , Li , M , Liang , Y , Lipschultz , B , Liu , Y , Lohs , A , Luhmann , N C , Lunt , T , Lyssoivan , A , Madsen , J , Maier , H , Maj , O , Mailloux , J , Maljaars , E , Manas , P , Mancini , A , Manhard , A , Manso , M -E , Mantica , P , Mantsinen , M , Manz , P , Maraschek , M , Martens , C , Martin , P , Marrelli , L , Martitsch , A , Mastrostefano , S , Mayer , A , Mayer , M , Mazon , D , McCarthy , P J , McDermott , R , Meisl , G , Meister , H , Medvedeva , A , Merkel , P , Merkel , R , Merle , A , Mertens , V , Meshcheriakov , D , Meyer , H , Meyer , O , Miettunen , J , Milanesio , D , Mink , F , Mlynek , A , Monaco , F , Moon , C , Nazikian , R , Nemes-Czopf , A , Neu , G , Neu , R , Nielsen , A H , Nielsen , S K , Nikolaeva , V , Nocente , M , Noterdaeme , J -M , Nowak , S , Oberkofler , M , Oberparleiter , M , Ochoukov , R , Odstrcil , T , Olsen , J , Orain , F , Palermo , F , Papp , G , Perez , I P , Pautasso , G , Enzel , F , Petersson , P , Pinzon , J , Piovesan , P , Piron , C , Plaum , B , Ploeckl , B , Plyusnin , V , Pokol , G , Poli , E , Porte , L , Potzel , S , Prisiazhniuk , D , Puetterich , T , Ramisch , M , Rapson , C , Rasmussen , J , Raupp , G , Refy , D , Reich , M , Reimold , F , Ribeiro , T , Riedl , R , Rittich , D , Rocchi , G , Rodriguez-Ramos , M , Rohde , V , Ross , A , Rott , M , Rubel , M , Ryan , D , Ryter , F , Saarelma , S , Salewski , M , Salmi , A , Sanchis-Sanchez , L , Santos , G , Santos , J , Sauter , O , Scarabosio , A , Schall , G , Schmid , K, Schmitz , O , Schneider , P A , Schneller , M , Schrittwieser , R , Schubert , M , Schwarz-Selinger , T , Schweinzer , J , Scott , B , Sehmer , T , Sertoli , M , Shabbir , A , Shalpegin , A , Shao , L , Sharapov , S , Siccinio , M , Sieglin , B , Sigalov , A , Silva , A , Silva , C , Simon , P , Simpson , J , Snicker , A , Sommariva , C , Sozzi , C , Spolaore , M , Stejner , M , Stober , J , Stobbe , F , Stroth , U , Strumberger , E , Suarez , G , Sugiyama , K , Sun , H -J , Suttrop , W , Szepesi , T , Tal , B , Tala , T , Tardini , G , Tardocchi , M , Terranova , D , Tierens , W , Told , D , Tudisco , O , Trevisan , G , Treutterer , W , Trier , E , Tripsky , M , Valisa , M , Valovic , M , Vanovac , B , Varela , P , Varoutis , S , Verdoolaege , G , Vezinet , D , Vianello , N , Vicente , J , Vierle , T , Viezzer , E , von Toussaint , U , Wagner , D , Wang , N , Wang , X , Weidl , M , Weiland , M , White , A E , Willensdorfer , M , Wiringer , B , Wischmeier , M , Wolf , R , Wolfrum , E , Xiang , L , Yang , Q, Yang , Z , Yu , Q , Zagorski , R , Zammuto , I , Zarzoso , D , Zhang , W , van Zeeland , M , Zehetbauer , T , Zilker , M , Zoletnik , S & Zohm , H 2017 , ' Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results ' NUCLEAR FUSION , vol 57 , no. 10 , 102015 , pp. 1-12 . DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/aa64f6