From a consultant to leadership: women's journey in Finnish IT consulting firms. A case study.
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Master's thesis
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Master’s Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management
The underrepresentation of women in the IT industry has been a challenge for the IT firms for the last few decades. Furthermore, in Finland women only occupy 28% of the workforce in the industry. In this research, I mainly focus on the IT consulting firms which employ IT professionals with at least several years of experience. Despite the similarities in terms of services provided, sometimes the companies significantly differ in the ratio between men and women. In the study, I focus on the company with the lowest percentage of women (15%) and with the highest percentage (31%). The aim of the study is to identify, whether there are certain characteristics of an individual company, which affect the employment and working process among the women in the field as well as how exactly they influence the ratio of men and women in a company. In this study, I have used a qualitative research approach with multiple-case research methods. To get the understanding of the topic I chose to conduct semi-structured interviews and let women speak about their needs and feelings at the workplace. Thus, the primary data sample consists of 9 interviews with the employees of the chosen case firms. I have also made an independent study of the case companies: their websites, social media accounts as well as media representation online. The data was later analysed in two stages, within-case analysis followed by cross case pattern search. Study findings propose the existence of the factors affecting the women’s choice of their potential workplace as well as overall satisfaction with their work environment. In particular, such factors as diversity management, diversity in representation and company's practices, company's overall reputation were represented among the other important factors, which affect the ratio of women and men in the company. The results of the study can help the companies navigate their diversity management and develop policies, programs and practices, which can address women's needs and lifestyle.Description
Vuori, NataliaThesis advisor
Vuori, NataliaKeywords
gender, gender balance, ICT, IT consulting