A preliminary analysis of the impact of autonomous maritime surface ships in marine technology education
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Master's thesis
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Marine and Arctic Technology
Degree programme
Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering (MEC)
This thesis is written to analyse the development of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship its impact on technology and trends in shipping. The concept of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship is introduced and projects that explore the concept and one which has been developed is reviewed. A review of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships in Maritime Education and Training for seafarers is conducted to see the results of these studies. The author analyses the courses taught at Aalto University to see how much of the Autonomous Ship concept is incorporated in the education of Naval Architecture students. A study of various courses offered at other universities is conducted and the technologies that are implemented in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships are analysed. An evaluation of various education techniques is conducted to possibly formulate a plan to incorporate these techniques in the education of students of Marine and Arctic Technology at Aalto University. Following the research, the viability of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships to be incorporated is discussed and implementation of techniques in education are shown. A plan is formulated to see which technologies can be incorporated in which courses and a timeline is formulated to incorporate Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships in Marine and Artic Technology at Aalto University. The author concludes that it is viable to incorporate Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships in education of Naval Architecture students by following the plan given.Description
Valdez, OsirisThesis advisor
Chaal, MeriamBahoo Toroody, Ahmad
autonomous shipping, maritime autonomous surface ships, naval architecture, courses