A Model and Case Study for Searching and Reading Cross-Border Multilingual Legislation on the Semantic Web
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Studies on the Semantic Web ; Volume 60
This paper addresses the issue of searching legislative documents in an international multilingual setting. Legal documents are published in different countries using local languages, as well as country-specific semantic keyword and classification systems. Consequently, when moving from one country to another, citizens may face obstacles when looking for regulations on immigration, heath care, education, etc. To address this challenge, this paper presents FinEstLawSampo, a cross-border solution approach and proof-of-concept demonstrator based on Linked Open Data (LOD) and Semantic Web technologies. We describe the design and implementation of this idea using consolidated laws from Finland and Estonia alongside EU directives as a case study. The demonstrator includes a LOD service and a semantic portal, based on the Sampo Model, which adapts the interface and contents to the user-chosen language. The main novelty presented is the provision of heterogeneous cross-border, multilingual, distributed legal data through faceted searching and data exploration as well as using data analysis in legal informatics.Description
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Hyvönen, E, Cao, H, Leal, R, Rantala, H & Hietanen, A 2024, A Model and Case Study for Searching and Reading Cross-Border Multilingual Legislation on the Semantic Web . in A Salatino, M Alam, F Ongenae, S Vahdati, A-L Gentile, T Pellegrini & S Jiang (eds), Knowledge Graphs in the Age of Language Models and Neuro-Symbolic AI : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 17–19 September 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands . Studies on the Semantic Web, vol. 60, IOS Press, pp. 261-278, International Conference on Semantic Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17/09/2024 . https://doi.org/10.3233/SSW240021