A small RNA, microRNA as a potential biomolecular marker to estimate post mortem interval in forensic science : a systematic review
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International Journal of Legal Medicine, Volume 137, issue 5
Background: Post-mortem interval (PMI) is the cornerstone of the forensic field to investigate. The examination technique by seeing the changes in the body such as algor mortis, rigor mortis, and livor mortis is a traditional technique in which accuracy is influenced by many factors. A biomolecular technique that uses microRNA (miRNA) biomarkers is developing because miRNA has good stability than other RNA, so it meets the requirements to be used for PMI estimation. Method: Following the PRISMA guidelines, journals were taken from 5 databases: Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Embase, and Springer. The review was carried out by two people. Inclusion criteria in this review are original research, published in the last 10 years, discussing miRNA as a biomarker for PMI estimation, and free full access. While exclusion criteria are not original research and not using English. Result: Eighteen journals were reviewed in this study. The study was conducted using test animals (rats) and human samples with tissue sources taken from the liver, skeletal muscle, blood, bone, heart, skin, saliva, semen, brain, lung, vitreous humor, spleen, and kidney. miRNA expression levels after death showed different results based on miRNA target, tissue source, and others. Discussion: The results of each study are different due to the use of different types of miRNA targets and tissue sources. miRNA has great potential to estimate PMI in forensic science, but it is necessary to control the influencing factors to obtain an accurate conclusion.Description
Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).
Biomarkers, microRNAs, miRNA, Post-mortem changes
Other note
Pasaribu, R S, Auerkari, E I, Suhartono, A W & Auerkari, P 2023, ' A small RNA, microRNA as a potential biomolecular marker to estimate post mortem interval in forensic science : a systematic review ', International Journal of Legal Medicine, vol. 137, no. 5, pp. 1313-1325 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00414-023-03015-z