Monolithic nanocellulose films patterned with flower-shaped and other microstructures: A facile route to modulate topographical, wetting and optical properties
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Materials Today Nano, Volume 24
Surface microstructures are found in nature as a mean to control wettability and adhesion. Efforts to reproduce related architectures in designing functional materials, however, require the use of tedious procedures, such as micro- and nanolithography. Herein, we introduce a facile and scalable method to create highly ordered surface microstructures or patterns supported on films made from the same material, cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). The micropatterning is based on fluid flow through solid grids that transfer three-dimensional designs on the surface of the formed films, with precise control on their spatial distribution. The obtained patterned films can be modulated as far as their wettability, optical and haptic features. The viscosity of the CNF aqueous suspension and strength properties of the produced films are shown to define the architecture of the surface patterns. In particular, multi-scale flower-shaped structures generate new properties, going from super-absorbency through capillary action in unmodified films to superhydrophobic materials after mild hydrophobization treatment.Description
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge the funds provided by the Canada Excellence Research Chair Program ( CERC-2018-00006 ) and Canada Foundation for Innovation (Project No. 38623 ). The authors would like to thank the Bioimaging Facility and Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics at the University of British Columbia for granting access to their electron microscopy facilities. Publisher Copyright: © 2023
Micropatterning, Microtexturing, Nanocellulose films, Optical properties, Wettability
Other note
Banvillet, G, Pritchard, S, Kaschuk, J J, Shi, X, Imani, M, Lu, Y, Takagi, A, Kamkar, M & Rojas, O J 2023, ' Monolithic nanocellulose films patterned with flower-shaped and other microstructures: A facile route to modulate topographical, wetting and optical properties ', Materials Today Nano, vol. 24, 100424 .