Coupled Magneto-Mechanical Analysis of Iron Sheets Under Biaxial Stress
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, volume 52, issue 3
A novel single sheet tester design is proposed and a directly coupled magneto-mechanical model is used to numerically analyze the behavior of iron sheets under biaxial magneto-mechanical loading applied by the tester device. magneto-mechanically coupled constitutive equations of the material derived using an energy-based approach are integrated into a finite element model of the single sheet tester device, and simulations are performed to solve for the displacement field and the magnetic vector potential in the sample. The obtained numerical results of magnetostriction evolution due to uniaxial stress and stress-induced anisotropies due to permeability variation under different magneto-mechanical loadings are presented. The simulation results are compared with the results published in the literature for the purpose of validation.Description
Inverse magnetostriction (IM), magneto-elasticity, magneto-mechanical effects, magnetostriction (MS), strain, stress
Other note
Aydin, Ugur & Rasilo, Paavo & Singh, Deepak & Lehikoinen, Antti & Belahcen, Anouar & Arkkio, Antero. 2015. Coupled Magneto-Mechanical Analysis of Iron Sheets Under Biaxial Stress. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. volume 52, issue 3. 2000804. 0018-9464 (printed). DOI: 10.1109/tmag.2015.2496207.