Multichannel Sound Event Detection Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Inter-channel Features
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2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2018 - Proceedings, Volume 2018-July, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
In this paper, we propose a stacked convolutional and recurrent neural network (CRNN) with a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) in the first layer for the multichannel sound event detection (SED) task. The 3D CNN enables the network to simultaneously learn the inter-and intra-channel features from the input multichannel audio. In order to evaluate the proposed method, multichannel audio datasets with different number of overlapping sound sources are synthesized. Each of this dataset has a four-channel first-order Ambisonic, binaural, and single-channel versions, on which the performance of SED using the proposed method are compared to study the potential of SED using multichannel audio. A similar study is also done with the binaural and single-channel versions of the real-life recording TUT-SED 2017 development dataset. The proposed method learns to recognize overlapping sound events from multichannel features faster and performs better SED with a fewer number of training epochs. The results show that on using multichannel Ambisonic audio in place of single-channel audio we improve the overall F-score by 7.5%, overall error rate by 10% and recognize 15.6% more sound events in time frames with four overlapping sound sources.Description
Other note
Adavanne, S, Politis, A & Virtanen, T 2018, Multichannel Sound Event Detection Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Learning Inter-channel Features . in 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2018 - Proceedings . vol. 2018-July, 8489542, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 08/07/2018 .