The behaviour of arch members made of transversally and longitudinally corrugated steel sheets

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School of Engineering | Master's thesis





Structural Engineering


Degree programme

Master's Programme in Building Technology







Since the design criteria in current EN 1993-1-3 and EN 1993-1-5 do not cover the design of arches of transversely corrugated cold-formed steel (CFS) sheets, this study is focused on developing experimentally a method of determining cross-sectional capacities for profiled steel sheets with different thicknesses and curvatures. The test results show that the ultimate capacity correlates directly with sheet thickness and arch curvature. Under compression, the ultimate capacities of compressed arch profiles with a thickness of 1.5 mm were 55% more than those produced by the 1.1 mm thick profiles. The results also indicate that the ultimate capacity increases along with the radius of arch. When the test specimens were subjected to pure bending or combined bending and compression, the ratio of the radius of curvature to the arch spans ranged from 1.5 to 6 m. Under positive or negative bending, the ultimate capacity achieved by the arch specimens with a plate thickness of 1.5 mm and a radius of 6 meters was twice the capacity of specimens with other thicknesses and radii. The ultimate capacity of the specimens subjected to a negative bending moment was approximately half of that received with positive bending. The tests simulating the effect of simultaneous axial compression and bending on the sectional resistance provided valuable insights into the behaviour of the steel arches studied. The effective area A_eff and effective section modulus W_eff were determined according to the code-based calculations for the flat profiles without transverse corrugations but using the spring stiffness values measured for triple edge stiffeners. The cross-sectional resistance between profiles with and without transverse corrugations are compared as the ratio between the theoretical and experimental results. The values of this ratio were used to illustrate the influence of the transverse corrugation, cold forming and curvature on the behaviour and cross-sectional resistance of arch members indicating, for example, that the cross-sectional resistance predicted by the code-based equations for profiles without corrugations can be conservative or unconservative, depending on arch radius and plate thickness. This suggests that the design equations may need to be modified in the future. The method developed can be employed to design similar types of arches subjected to loadings covered by the study.



Puttonen, Jari

Thesis advisor

Lu, Wei
Ma, Zhongzheng


curved trapezoidal sheeting, doubly corrugated sheets, unsymmetrical stiffeners, cold-formed steel, steel arch, transverse corrugations, compression, bending, FE analysis, experimental analysis, roof structure

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