A practical realization of an artificial magnetic shield for preclinical birdcage RF coils
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1461, issue 1
In the most of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, a conventional radiofrequency (RF) electric shield is typically placed around an RF volume coil to avoid the interaction with the other components of the system. Disadvantageously metal shields reduce the transmit efficiency of the RF coil as well as its receive sensitivity due to out-ofphase reflection of electromagnetic waves. In contrast, an ideal magnetic shield having high surface impedance provides in-phase reflection, which can be promising for improvement of RF coil's performance. In this work, we propose an artificial magnetic shield based on a cylindrical miniaturized corrugated structure to improve characteristics of a small-animal birdcage coil at 7T. The coil was simulated in the presence of the metal and ideal magnetic shield as well as the proposed structure. The results demonstrate enhancement of the coil's performance in the presence of the proposed shield, which is comparable with an ideal one.Description
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Lezhennikova, K, Hurshkainen, A, Simovski, C, Abdeddaim, R, Enoch, S, Raaijmakers, A, Melchakova, I & Glybovski, S 2020, ' A practical realization of an artificial magnetic shield for preclinical birdcage RF coils ', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1461, no. 1, 012085 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1461/1/012085