Effect of Multilevel Inverter Supply on Core Losses in Magnetic Materials and Electrical Machines

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School of Electrical Engineering | A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume 30, Issue 2
The effect of multilevel inverter supply on power losses in magnetic cores and electrical machines is studied. A dynamic numerical model for the hysteresis, eddy current, and excess losses in a core lamination is first developed. By both measurements and simulations for a ring-core inductor, we demonstrate how increasing the number of inverter voltage levels decreases the iron losses when compared with traditional two-level supply. Although the switching frequency has a significant impact on the iron losses in the case of a traditional two-level inverter, using three or five voltage levels makes the losses almost independent of the switching. Finally, finite-element simulations show that simi-lar reductions are also possible for the core losses of 150-kVA and 12.5-MW wound-field synchronous machines, in which rather low switching frequencies are typically used. Calorimetric loss measurements are also presented for the 150-kVA machine in order to confirm the significant effect of switching frequency on the core losses with two-level inverter supply.
Eddy currents, electrical machines, excess loss, finite-element analysis, iron loss, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic materials, multilevel converter, pulse width modulation
Other note
Rasilo, Paavo & Salem, Aboubakr & Abdallh, Ahmed & De Belie, Frederik & Dupre, Luc & Melkebeek, Jan A. 2015. Effect of Multilevel Inverter Supply on Core Losses in Magnetic Materials and Electrical Machines. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Volume 30, Issue 2. 736-744. ISSN 0885-8969 (printed). DOI: 10.1109/tec.2014.2372095.