Graph Sets Method (GSM) for Multi-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Systems, Part I: Principles
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IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
A new approach to derive the equations of Multi-Coil Wireless Power Transfer (MCWPT) systems and to simplify and analyze them is proposed in this paper. By parametrically solving the equations governing MCWPT systems and mapping the resultant transfer functions into Graph Sets (GSs), a set of rules is developed to form the transfer function amongst the voltages across and currents through the coils. Using these rules, some important aspects, such as effective paths for the power to flow, the effect of active coils on each other and on passive coils, dynamic behavior of the system, and reflected impedances can be comprehensively analyzed. This can be done by following GS rules and without complex mathematical calculations. GS Method also provides an effective tool to design compensators and power electronic converters driving MCWPT systems and to estimate the receiver parameters. Moreover, simplifying the behavior of the coils, helps to reduce the complexity of the model and to have a better understanding of the system. This work is presented in two parts. This part is dedicated to show the effectiveness and validity of this approach by numerically modeling and experimentally evaluating a three-coil MCWPT system.Description
Graph Sets, Signal Flow Graphs, Wireless Power Transfer
Other note
Faradjizadeh, F, Vilathgamuwa, D M, Jayathurathnage, P & Ledwich, G 2020, ' Graph Sets Method (GSM) for Multi-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Systems, Part I: Principles ', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 10, 9033999, pp. 10741-10756 .