Channel Charting Aided Pilot Allocation in Multi-Cell Massive MIMO mMTC Networks
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Ribeiro, Lucas
Leinonen, Markus
Rathnayaka, Isuru
Al-Tous, Hanan
Juntti, Markku
Degree programme
2022 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication, SPAWC 2022, IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, Volume 2022-July
Serving a plethora of devices in massive machinetype communications (mMTC) can rely on spatial multiplexing enabled by massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) technology. To release the full potential, accurate channel estimation is needed. Due to the large numbers of devices it necessitates pilot reuse. We propose a pilot allocation algorithm based on multi-point channel charting (CC) to mitigate inevitable pilot contamination in a multi-cell multi-sector mMTC network with spatially correlated mMIMO channels. The generated CC represents an effective interference map from channel covariance matrices to capture the degree of pilot contamination caused by sharing the same pilot sequence among multiple users. The map is then fed into a greedy algorithm that aims at optimizing the reuse pattern of orthogonal pilot sequences to minimize the performance degradation caused by pilot contamination. The proposed CC-based method is empirically shown to obtain notable gains over a reuse-factor-aware random pilot allocation, yet leaving room for further improvements.Description
Funding Information: This research has been financially supported by the Academy of Finland under the projects ROHM and 6G Flag-ship. The work of M. Leinonen has also been financially supported in part by the Academy of Finland (grant 340171). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 IEEE.
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Ribeiro, L, Leinonen, M, Rathnayaka, I, Al-Tous, H & Juntti, M 2022, Channel Charting Aided Pilot Allocation in Multi-Cell Massive MIMO mMTC Networks . in 2022 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication, SPAWC 2022 . IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, IEEE, IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communication, Oulu, Finland, 04/07/2022 .