Bio CRM: A Data Model for Representing Biographical Data for Prosopographical Research
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Proceedings of the Second Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 2119
Biographies make a promising application case of Linked Data: they can be used, e.g., as a basis for Digital Humanities research in prosopography and as a key data and linking resource in semantic Cultural Heritage (CH) portals. In both use cases, a semantic data model for harmonizing and interlinking heterogeneous data from different sources is needed. This paper presents such a data model, Bio CRM, with the following key ideas: 1) The model is a domain specific extension of CIDOC CRM, making it applicable to not only biographical data but to other CH data, too. 2) The model makes a distinction between enduring unary roles of actors, their enduring binary relationships, and perduing events, where the participants can take different roles modeled as a role concept hierarchy. 3) The model can be used as a basis for semantic data validation and enrichment by reasoning. 4) The enriched data conforming to Bio CRM is targeted to be used by SPARQL queries in a flexible ways using a hierarchy of roles in which participants can be involved in events.Description
Biographical representation, Data models, Event-based modeling, Linked data, Prosopography, Role-centric modeling
Other note
Tuominen, J, Hyvönen, E & Leskinen, P 2018, Bio CRM : A Data Model for Representing Biographical Data for Prosopographical Research . in A Fokkens, S ter Braake, R Sluijter, P Arthur & E Wandl-Vogt (eds), Proceedings of the Second Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017 . CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2119, RWTH Aachen University, pp. 59-66, Biographical Data in a Digital World, Linz, Austria, 06/11/2017 . < >