A Stress concentration factor for interacting surface notch and subsurface hole
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Rakenteiden mekaniikka, Volume 51, issue 4
We propose a conservative method for the calculation of the maximum stress concentration factor (SCF) for an interacting notch-hole pair and for a double semi-circular notch (i.e., a notch that has an additional small semi-circular notch ahead of its tip). The method is based on a linearly elastic Airy stress function solution for a circular hole. The notch-hole and double notch configurations are aligned vertically with respect to uniform uniaxial (horizontal) stress. This means, a uniform horizontal tension is applied to a notch-hole pair that lie on a vertical axis. For the notch-hole pair, the maximum interacting SCFs are calculated for edge to edge gaps equal to hole sizes of 2.5a, 5a, 10a and 15a, where a is the hole radius. The analytical results are validated by 2-D finite element calculations. The presented simple approach provides good results with errors well below 10% in most cases compared to the detailed finite element analyses. Fatigue notch factors that can be thought of as the effective SCFs in fatigue analyses are determined. By using the simple approach, computationally costly finite element analysis can be avoided.Description
stress function, semi-circular notch, subsurface hole, stress concentration factor, interaction
Other note
Gebrehiwot, S Z, Remes, H & Karttunen, A 2018, ' A Stress concentration factor for interacting surface notch and subsurface hole ', Rakenteiden mekaniikka, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 20-37 . https://doi.org/10.23998/rm.70292