Nanoscale optical nonreciprocity with nonlinear metasurfaces
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Nature Communications, Volume 15, issue 1
Optical nonreciprocity is manifested as a difference in the transmission of light for the opposite directions of excitation. Nonreciprocal optics is traditionally realized with relatively bulky components such as optical isolators based on the Faraday rotation, hindering the miniaturization and integration of optical systems. Here we demonstrate free-space nonreciprocal transmission through a metasurface comprised of a two-dimensional array of nanoresonators made of silicon hybridized with vanadium dioxide (VO2). This effect arises from the magneto-electric coupling between Mie modes supported by the resonator. Nonreciprocal response of the nanoresonators occurs without the need for external bias; instead, reciprocity is broken by the incident light triggering the VO2 phase transition for only one direction of incidence. Nonreciprocal transmission is broadband covering over 100 nm in the telecommunication range in the vicinity of λ = 1.5 µm. Each nanoresonator unit cell occupies only ~0.1 λ3 in volume, with the metasurface thickness measuring about half-a-micron. Our self-biased nanoresonators exhibit nonreciprocity down to very low levels of intensity on the order of 150 W/cm2 or a µW per nanoresonator. We estimate picosecond-scale transmission fall times and sub-microsecond scale transmission rise. Our demonstration brings low-power, broadband and bias-free optical nonreciprocity to the nanoscale.Description
Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2024.
Other note
Tripathi, A, Ugwu, C F, Asadchy, V S, Faniayeu, I, Kravchenko, I, Fan, S, Kivshar, Y, Valentine, J & Kruk, S S 2024, ' Nanoscale optical nonreciprocity with nonlinear metasurfaces ', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 5077 .