Gonioreflectometer for measuring 3D spectral BRDF of horizontally aligned samples with traceability to SI
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Lanevski, Dmitri
Manoocheri, Farshid
Ikonen, Erkki
Degree programme
Metrologia, Volume 59, issue 2
Present article describes a 3D gonioreflectometer developed at Aalto University for the measurement of spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (sBRDF) of horizontally aligned samples, needed to study sBRDF of sand from satellite calibration test sites. The new set-up incorporates three motorized arms that allow to measure in- and out-of-plane sBRDF. Illumination of the sample is provided by a supercontinuum laser coupled with laser line tunable filters and detection is performed with two types of photodiodes (Si and InGaAs) enabling collection of sBRDF in the spectral range from 450 nm to 1700 nm. The instrument is operated in the relative mode and its traceability to SI is achieved with the help of a 2D absolute reference gonioreflectometer available at Aalto University. The calibration procedure as well as system's uncertainty estimation are described. The performance of the 3D gonioreflectometer is validated by measurements of a ceramic diffuse reflectance sample.Description
Funding Information: This work has been done in the frame of the Metrology for Earth Observation and Climate project (MetEOC-3), Grant No. 16ENV03 within the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). EMPIR is jointly funded by the EMPIR participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union. The work is also supported by the Academy of Finland Flagship Programme, Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN), decision number: 320167. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 BIPM & IOP Publishing Ltd.
gonioreflectometer, loose powder samples, spectral BRDF
Other note
Lanevski, D, Manoocheri, F & Ikonen, E 2022, ' Gonioreflectometer for measuring 3D spectral BRDF of horizontally aligned samples with traceability to SI ', Metrologia, vol. 59, no. 2, 025006 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1681-7575/ac55a7