Secure Exchange of Digital Metrological Data in a Smart Overhead Crane

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä





Degree programme






Sensors, Volume 22, issue 4


Digitalization and the rapid development of IoT systems has posed challenges for metrol-ogy because it has been comparatively slow in adapting to the new demands. That is why the digital transformation of metrology has become a key research and development topic all over the world including the development of machine-readable formats for digital SI (D-SI) and digital calibration certificates (DCCs). In this paper, we present a method for using these digital formats for metrological data to enhance the trustworthiness of data and propose how to use digital signatures and distributed ledger technology (DLT) alongside DCCs and D-SI to ensure integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of measurement data and DCCs. The implementation of these technologies in industrial applications is demonstrated with a use case of data exchange in a smart overhead crane. The presented system was tested and validated in providing security against data tampering attacks.


Funding Information: One of the research projects covering the digitalization of metrology is the EMPIR Project 17IND02 SmartCom funded through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The central mission of the SmartCom project is to develop and provide the basis for a secure, unambiguous, and unified exchange of data in all communication networks where metrological data are used [27,28]. To test and validate the research outcomes of SmartCom in industrial end-user applications, two demonstrators were developed as a part of the project [29]. The demonstrator presented in this paper showcases the use of DCCs, D-SI, and appropriate cryptographical methods for the secure exchange of the measurement data and relevant metadata of cargo containers. In this paper, we report the following original contributions: 1. We present a method for how digital metrological data as metadata can be used to enhance the trustworthiness IoT data; 2. We propose how to use data security technologies and cryptographical methods alongside DCC and D-SI applications; 3. We introduce a demonstrator for integrating the digital data formats and necessary se-curity technologies into IIoT systems with the use case being exchanging metrological data in a smart overhead crane similar to the ones that are used in harbors. Funding Information: Funding: This project received funding from the EMPIR program co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


Data trustworthiness, Digital calibration certificate, Digital SI, IoT communication, Metrology, Traceability

Other note


Mustapää, T, Tunkkari, H, Taponen, J, Immonen, L, Heeren, W, Baer, O, Brown, C & Viitala, R 2022, ' Secure Exchange of Digital Metrological Data in a Smart Overhead Crane ', Sensors, vol. 22, no. 4, 1548 .