Characterization of predictable quantum efficient detector at 488 nm and 785 nm wavelengths with an order of magnitude change of incident optical power

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 33, issue 1
We investigate the predictable quantum efficient detector (PQED) in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range. The PQED consists of two n-type induced junction photodiodes with Al2O3 entrance window. Measurements are performed at the wavelengths of 488 nm and 785 nm with incident power levels ranging from 100 μW to 1000 μW. A new way of presenting the normalized photocurrents on a logarithmic scale as a function of bias voltage reveals two distinct negative slope regions and allows direct comparison of charge carrier losses at different wavelengths. The comparison indicates mechanisms that can be understood on the basis of different penetration depths at different wavelengths (0.77 μm at 488 nm and 10.2 μm at 785 nm). The difference in the penetration depths leads also to larger difference in the charge-carrier losses at low bias voltages than at high voltages due to the voltage dependence of the depletion region.
Funding Information: Hannu Ronkainen is acknowledged for useful discussions. We thank financial support from Business Finland co-innovation project RaPtor (Project No. 6030/31/2018). This work is partly funded by the Academy of Finland Flagship Programme, Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN), Decision No. 320167. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Bias voltage, Charge-carrier losses, Induced junction, n-type photodiode, PQED, Silicon photodetector, Trap detector
Other note
Korpusenko , M , Manoocheri , F , Kilpi , O P , Varpula , A , Kainlauri , M , Vehmas , T , Prunnila , M & Ikonen , E 2022 , ' Characterization of predictable quantum efficient detector at 488 nm and 785 nm wavelengths with an order of magnitude change of incident optical power ' , Measurement Science and Technology , vol. 33 , no. 1 , 015206 .