Cities in transition 2016 : studying public life in the Philippines
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School of Arts, Design and Architecture |
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Nieto-Linares, Antuané (editor)
Niskanen, Taru (editor)
Nyholm, Charlotte (editor)
Nylund, Lotta (editor)
Degree programme
Aalto University publication series ART + DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE, 3/2016
The Cities in Transition Studio course has run at Aalto University (Aalto) under different names since 1993. In previous years the field trip, which forms an essential part of the course, has taken students to Senegal, Benin, Cambodia and Tanzania. The course aims to teach students about the environmental, economic and socio-cultural impacts of architecture and urban planning. Collaborating with universities, NGOs and municipal and national authorities helps students gain a broader understanding of the local context, but also aims at long-term capacity building in the host country. Each year the course takes on real life cases in a city in the developing world. 2016 was the second year that Cities in Transition collaborated with Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT) from Japan focusing on Bohol Island in the Philippines. Students delved into urban planning challenges in the fast growing city of Tagbilaran that faces frequent natural disasters. Data collection and analysis were conducted during a field trip hosted by Bohol Island State University (BISU), after which students continued their design work in Finland and Japan. This book is divided into three main parts focusing on background research done before the trip, site analysis conducted in Tagbilaran and the design projects developed in response to the issues uncovered. It serves as documentation of a design process as well as providing methods and ideas for those interested in replicating a similar study.Description
urban planning, developing countries, Philippines, kaupunkisuunnittelu, kehitysmaat, Filippiinit