Nearly zero energy renovation concepts for apartment buildings
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E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 172
Revised EPBD directive has set ambitious targets for renovation. It is stated that Member States shall establish a long-term strategy facilitating the cost-effective transformation of existing buildings into nearly-zero energy buildings. The long-term strategy should set out a roadmap with a view to the long-term 2050 goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. This creates the need for cost-efficient renovation solutions which can be implemented in large scale. The impact assessment shows that roughly a doubled renovation rate of 3 % would be needed to accomplish the energy efficiency ambitions in a cost-effective manner. The objective of this study is to specify renovation concepts with adequate heating and ventilation, based on Estonian and German apartment buildings and corresponding local solutions. Energy performance and sizing analyses were conducted for selected multifamily apartment buildings typical for 1960-70es with three different renovation concepts. Energy calculations were conducted with national energy calculation methods and national energy requirements for major renovation. In the renovation, the building envelope insulation, air tightness, and heating and ventilation systems were improved so that the renovated building complies with national nearly zero-energy requirement for major renovation.Description
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Kuusk, K, Naumann, J, Gritzki, A, Felsmann, C, De Carli, M, Tonon, M & Kurnitski, J 2020, ' Nearly zero energy renovation concepts for apartment buildings ', E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 172, 18009 .