Effect of tetrahedral amorphous carbon coating on the resistivity and wear of single-walled carbon nanotube network
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 119, issue 18
Single walled carbon nanotube networks (SWCNTNs) were coated by tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) to improve the mechanical wear properties of the composite film. The ta-C deposition was performed by using pulsed filtered cathodic vacuum arc method resulting in the generation of C+ ions in the energy range of 40-60 eV which coalesce to form a ta-C film. The primary disadvantage of this process is a significant increase in the electrical resistance of the SWCNTN post coating. The increase in the SWCNTN resistance is attributed primarily to the intrinsic stress of the ta-C coating which affects the inter-bundle junction resistance between the SWCNTN bundles. E-beam evaporated carbon was deposited on the SWCNTNs prior to the ta-C deposition in order to protect the SWCNTN from the intrinsic stress of the ta-C film. The causes of changes in electrical resistance and the effect of evaporated carbon thickness on the changes in electrical resistance and mechanical wear properties have been studied.Description
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Iyer, A, Kaskela, A, Novikov, S, Etula, J, Liu, X, Kauppinen, E I & Koskinen, J 2016, ' Effect of tetrahedral amorphous carbon coating on the resistivity and wear of single-walled carbon nanotube network ', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, no. 18, 185306 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4948672