Machine-type communications: current status and future perspectives toward 5G systems
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School of Electrical Engineering |
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Degree programme
Volume 53, Issue 9
Machine-type communications (MTC) enables a broad range of applications from mission- critical services to massive deployment of autonomous devices. To spread these applications widely, cellular systems are considered as a potential candidate to provide connectivity for MTC devices. The ubiquitous deployment of these systems reduces network installation cost and provides mobility support. However, based on the service functions, there are key challenges that currently hinder the broad use of cellular systems for MTC. This article provides a clear mapping between the main MTC service requirements and their associated challenges. The goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of these challenges and the potential solutions. This study presents, in part, a roadmap from the current cellular technologies toward fully MTC-capable 5G mobile systems.Description
5G mobile communication, 5G systems, MTC devices, Internet of things, Machine-to-machine communications
Other note
Shariatmadari, Hamidreza & Ratasuk, Rapeepat & Iraji, Sassan & Laya, Andrés & Taleb, Tarik & Jäntti, Riku & Ghosh, Amitava. 2015. Machine-type communications: current status and future perspectives toward 5G systems. IEEE Communications Magazine. Volume 53, Issue 9. 10-17. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2015.7263367.