The importance of body modifications and accessories in character design for videogames

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Master's thesis






Degree programme

Master's Programme in New Media




63 + 5



This thesis is a project-based study that explores the importance and influence of body modifications and accessories on character design for videogames. It researches how small visual details are able to change or improve the character. The research bases on knowledge about the subject from existing movies, games, and animations as well as my own artistic study work. It focuses on human characters including main and non-player ones. This area of research seems to be understudied, therefore I decided to further explore it. The requirement for applying those elements derives from the need of creating distinctive and engaging characters. The term body modification applies to practices such as tattoos and scarification done to change one’s physical appearance. Accessories are understood as any items that can be carried for aesthetic or practical purposes, for example jewellery. The study also includes knowledge of other elements, such as scars that might have impact on appearance. The project done for the thesis consists of five illustrations of characters, each with two different versions of body modifications and accessories. The goal of the study was to research the possibilities of usage and influence of those details on design in practice. This study uses research by design approach where own practical work, combined with theories and previous research, is used to produce knowledge about character design. By creating two different versions of details of an own character it was possible to compare their impact and ability to change the perception of the design. The research combined with artistic project allowed me to study the subject from the theoretical and practical side. Understanding the meaning and history of body modifications, accessories and symbols allows to improve visual storytelling and add depth to designs. If used properly small details have a significant influence on the character design and are able to tell the story, profession, wealth, interests and many other features of the hero through visuals. Included in non-player characters’ design, they can convey information about the world, such as religion and customs. Acquiring knowledge about body modifications, accessories and symbols enable understanding their significant influence on every character, no matter the level of detail and fantastic features of the appearance. This thesis can serve as guidance on how to improve the design and visual storytelling for all individuals involved in character creation.



Junnila, Miikka

Thesis advisor

Lankoski, Petri


character design, game design, body modifications, accessories, symbols, concept art

Other note
