Designing Gadolinium-doped ceria electrolyte for low temperature electrochemical energy conversion
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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 48, issue 37
Reducing the operational temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is vital to improving their durability and lifetime. However, a traditional SOFC suffers from high ohmic and polarization losses at low temperatures, leading to poor performance. Gadolinium-doped ceria is the best ionic conductor for SOFC at lower temperatures. The present work envisages the GDC as an electrolyte for applying low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (LT-SOFCs). So, in this regard, herein, GDC is synthesized through a wet chemical co-precipitation technique as a functional electrolyte layer fixed between two symmetrical porous electrodes NCAL (Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05LiO2). Due to the improved surface properties of the synthesized GDC, particles perform better than commercially available GDC. The synthesized GDC electrolyte shows an impressive fuel cell performance of 569 mW/cm2 and a high ionic conductivity of 0.1 S/cm at a shallow temperature of 450 °C. Moreover, the fuel cell device utilizing the synthesized GDC remained stable for 150 h of operation at a high current density of 110 mA/cm2 at 450 °C. The high conduction mechanism has been proposed in detail. The results show that excellent fuel cell performance, high ionic conductivity, and better stability can be achieved at exceptionally low enough temperatures. Also, the proposed work suggests that new electrolytes can be designed for developing advanced low-temperature fuel cell technology.Description
Funding Information: This work was supported by Southeast University (SEU) PROJET # 3203002003A1 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under the grants # 51772080 and 11604088 . Jiangsu Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Program Project No. Dr. Asghar thanks the Hubei Talant 100 programme and Academy of Finland (Grant No. 13329016 , 13322738 , 13352669 ) for their financial support. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)
Durability, Grain-boundary conduction, High fuel cell performance, High ionic conductivity, Low-temperature SOFCs
Other note
Shah, M A K Y, Lu, Y, Mushtaq, N, Yousaf, M, Lund, P D, Asghar, M I & Zhu, B 2023, ' Designing Gadolinium-doped ceria electrolyte for low temperature electrochemical energy conversion ', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 48, no. 37, pp. 14000-14011 .