Glass can be recycled forever : Utilisation of end-of-Life cathode ray tube glasses in ceramic and glass industry

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School of Arts, Design and Architecture | Doctoral thesis (article-based) | Defence date: 2006-09-08





Degree programme




72 + app. 68


Publication series of the University of Art and Design Helsinki. A, 68/2006


The aim of this study was to find possible applications, in which glass materials from End-of-Life (EOL) Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) can be utilised in ceramic and glass industry. The qualitative objective of the study was to find utilisation targets and applications, where the properties of EOL CRT glass material can be as beneficial as possible.


Supervising professor

Hupa, Leena, D.Sc., Åbo Akademi University, Process Chemistry Centre, Finland; Korvenmaa, Pekka, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Design, Finland

Thesis advisor

Yli-Viikari, Tapio, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Design, Finland


recycling, glass industry, ceramic industry, experimental materials, ceramic applications

Other note


  • [Publication 1]: Raija Siikamäki, Eckart Döring, Jorma Manninen, Closed-loop and Open-loop Applications for End-of-Life Cathode Ray Tube Glass Recycling, Proceedings of “Going Green, CARE Innovation 2002”, Vienna, 2002 (The full text is included in the PDF-file of the dissertation)
  • [Publication 2]: R. Siikamäki, L. Hupa, Utilisation of EOL CRT-Glass as a Glaze Raw Material, Recycling and Reuse of Glass Cullet, ed. Ravinda K. Dhir, Mukesh C. Limbachiya, Thomas D. Dyer Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 2001 (The full text is included in the PDF-file of the dissertation)
  • [Publication 3]: R Siikamäki, End-of-Life Cathode Ray Tube Glass as a Raw Material for Hollow Ware Glass Products, Recycling and Reuse of Waste Materials, ed. Ravinda K. Dhir, Moray D Newlands, Judith E Halliday, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 2003 (The full text is included in the PDF-file of the dissertation)
  • [Publication 4]: R Siikamäki, Glaze for Low-Fired Ceramics from End-of-Life Cathode Ray Tube Glass, Glass Waste, ed. Mukesh C. Limbachiya and John J. Roberts, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 2004 (The full text is included in the PDF-file of the dissertation)
  • [Publication 5]: Raija Siikamäki, Jätteestä tuotteiksi – TV- ja tietokonelaitteiden monitorilasin hyödyntäminen, Kestävää muotoilua. Ympäristömyötäisyys tuotesuunnittelussa, Susan Vihma (toim.), Työpaperit, Taideteollisen korkeakoulun julkaisusarja, F 24, Helsinki, 2002 (Extended abstract in English is included in the PDF-file of the dissertation)
