FACILE: Applying User-Centered Design in the Implementation of a Tool that Adapts Texts According to the Easy-To-Read Methodology

dc.contributorAalto Universityen
dc.contributor.advisorNieminen, Mika
dc.contributor.advisorSuarez, M. Carmen
dc.contributor.authorHerrero, Ana
dc.contributor.schoolPerustieteiden korkeakoulufi
dc.contributor.supervisorVillalba, Elena
dc.description.abstractThe increasing need to adapt texts and documents following the Easy-To-Read Methodology is the reason behind the creation of the project of FACILE. FACILE’s web application aims to automate the steps of the adaptation and transformation of texts and documents into understandable texts for everyone, according to the guidelines specified in the “Norma UNE 153101 EX: Lectura Fácil. Pautas y recomendaciones para la elaboración de documentos”. The subject of this master’s thesis revolves around the main objective of designing a User Interface for such web application, implementing a User-Centered Design Methodology. This thesis is divided into three main parts. First, an introduction to the project and the back-end API supporting the logic of this web application. Secondly, an analysis of the steps and methods applied to create two initial designs for the interface that later were evaluated by a group of end users of this application, professional text adapters. Finally, this thesis describes the current state of the project, from the final user interface design to the future steps that could be implemented in this project to be further developed and improved.en
dc.programmeMaster's Programme in ICT Innovationfi
dc.programme.majorHuman-Computer Interaction and Designfi
dc.subject.keywordeasy-to-read methodologyen
dc.subject.keywordcognitive accessibilityen
dc.subject.keyworduser centered designen
dc.subject.keywordtext adaptationen
dc.titleFACILE: Applying User-Centered Design in the Implementation of a Tool that Adapts Texts According to the Easy-To-Read Methodologyen
dc.typeG2 Pro gradu, diplomityöfi
dc.type.ontasotMaster's thesisen