Fabrication and characterization of multiphase bituminous materials for cold region pavements
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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Journal of infrastructure preservation and resilience, Volume 4
In this study, the low temperature creep properties of multiphase bituminous materials (binder, mastic, Fine Aggregate Matrix—FAM, and mixture) were experimentally evaluated, and the impact of size effect on FAM and mixture specimen was also assessed. First, the mix design of mastic and FAM was performed based on the reference mixture Asphalt Concrete (AC) 22 TS. The mathematical adaptation to the boundary sieve method was applied to calculate FAM gradation and binder content. Next, a preparation method was proposed to produce Fine Aggregate Matrix (FAM) in a laboratory environment, and scale-up slab samples were also fabricated for FAM and mixture specimens to evaluate the size effect phenomenon. Finally, three-point bending (3 PB) creep tests were conducted on the multiphase bituminous specimens with different dimensions at -6 °C, -12 °C, and -18 °C with a modified Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) device and a dynamic loading machine, depending on the sample size. Results indicate that the creep stiffness of the FAM was close to mixtures and much higher than the one observed in binder and mastic. The proposed fabrication approach provides a satisfactory method for preparing a representative FAM phase in the mixture, while the air voids can be easily adjusted during the slab compaction procedure. This study supports the idea of using FAM to discriminate asphalt mixtures for cold regions. The correlation between up-scaled FAM and mixture specimens should be further investigated, including different mixture types and corresponding FAM.Description
bituminous materials, low temperature properties, multiphase, FAM, 3 PB tests, size effect
Other note
Wang, D, Cannone Falchetto, A, Zhang, F, Riccardi, C & Sun, Y 2023, ' Fabrication and characterization of multiphase bituminous materials for cold region pavements ', Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, vol. 4, 22 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s43065-023-00088-3