Engaging a Moving Organisation - Modelling a military enterprise with architecture tools

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School of Electrical Engineering | Doctoral thesis (article-based) | Defence date: 2020-11-21
Degree programme
74 + app. 132
Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 161/2020
Transformations of military enterprises seek to use technology to gain better performance, provide more effective outcomes, and excel in the space and time of confrontation. Enterprise Architecture should provide methods and competencies to gain more understanding of transformations and improve the success of these journeys. However, military transformations have a record of a variety of challenges and often fail to deliver intended outcomes. Possibly, the enterprise architecture practitioners are trying to engage a moving target. The failures do not notably follow any exact pattern or line of correlation. Still, they seem to be distributed through the layers of the military structure. Despite the evident problem and risk to national security, there is a surprising lack of research in this field. The dissertation approaches the challenges in military transformations from an enterprise architecture view in a quest to find models that would better explain the interrelationships between the military environment, affairs, knowledge, information, and technology over timeā€”in other words, trying to engage an evolutionary enterprise and see where it may be going. The dissertation approaches the problem from a pragmatic view using a design science approach to create a better tool in modelling the dynamics and evolution of the military enterprise. Since the components and layers of an enterprise follow a different logic, the design needs to apply transdisciplinary research methods appropriate to each layer of the enterprise system. The proposed EA tool improves the quality of an enterprise architect's analysis of military transformations in recognising the current situation, seeing the paths of evolution leading to the current position, and foreseeing both the challenges and opportunities in journeys towards the strategic end state. Furthermore, the EA tool reveals some of the hidden forces driving or hindering the change of an enterprise, and therefore improving the success of digital transformation in the military context. The military decision making may benefit from the improved architectural insight and foresight when defining national-level strategies, implementing changes, maintaining operational capabilities, and, lately, obtaining the most out of their digital transformations.

Sotilasorganisaatiot kƤyttƤvƤt muutoksissaan teknologiaa voidakseen parantaa tuottavuutta, tuloksellisuutta ja saavuttaa konfliktissa vastustajaan nƤhden ajallinen ja tilallinen ylivoima. Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin tulisi tarjota menetelmiƤ ja osaamista kehittƤƤ muutoksen suunnittelua sekƤ toimeenpanoa organisaatioiden eri kehityspoluilla. IkƤvƤ kyllƤ sotilasorganisaatioiden muutokset ovat kohdanneet useita vastoinkƤymisiƤ eivƤtkƤ ole vƤlttƤmƤttƤ saavuttaneet asetettuja tavoitteita. Saattaa olla, ettƤ kokonaisarkkitehtuurin harjoittajien yritys mallintaa organisaation evoluutiota on kuin yrittƤisi osua liikkuvaan maaliin. Muutoksen hallinnan epƤonnistumiset eivƤt nƤytƤ noudattavan mitƤƤn yksinkertaista mallia tai lineaaarista korrelaatiota, vaan hajautuvat jokaiseen organisaatiorakenteen kerrokseen. Sotilasorganisaation muutoksen kausaliteeteihin liittyvƤƤ tutkimukseen perustuvaa julkista tietoa lƶytyy yllƤttƤvƤn vƤhƤn ottaen huomioon epƤonnistumisten vaikutuksen kansalliseen turvallisuuteen. VƤitƶskirja lƤhestyy sotilasorganisaation muutosta kokonaisarkkitehtuurin nƤkƶkulmasta pyrkien lƶytƤmƤƤn parempia malleja sotilaallisen ympƤristƶn, toiminnan, tietƤmyksen, tiedon ja teknologian keskinƤisriippuvuuksiin, eli lisƤtƤ ymmƤrrystƤ sotilasorganisaation evoluutiosta, ja nƤhdƤ selkeƤmmin sen kehitysmahdollisuuksia. VƤitƶs lƤhestyy haastetta pragmaattisesti hyƶdyntƤen insinƶƶritieteiden menetelmiƤ luodakseen kokonaisarkkitehtuurivƤlineistƶn organisaation osien vƤlisen dynamiikan ja evoluution mallintamiseen. Kehitetty kokonaisarkkitehtuurivƤlineistƶ parantaa suunnittelijoiden kykyƤ hahmottaa sotilasorganisaation nykyinen kehityksen tilanne, suunnitella tulevat muutospolut, ja osoittaa sekƤ haasteet ettƤ mahdollisuudet muutos-strategian toteuttamisessa. LisƤksi vƤlineistƶ auttaa kokonaisarkkitehteja ymmƤrtƤmƤƤn voimia, jotka joko edesauttavat tai hidastavat organisaatiomuutosta ja siten parantavat sotilasorganisaation digitaalisen muutoksen tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Sotilasorganisaatioiden muutoksen hallinnan pƤƤtƶksentekijƤt hyƶtyvƤt nƤistƤ arvioista ja ennusteista suunnitellessaan kansallisia puolustusstrategioita, muutoksen toimeenpanoa, yllƤpitƤessƤƤn operatiivisia kyvykkyyksiƤ tai rakentaessaan uusia kyvykkyyksiƤ digitaalisella muutoksella.
Supervising professor
Manner, Jukka, Prof., Aalto University, Department of Communications and Networking , Finland
military transformation, enterprise architecture, evolution of system of systems, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, design research, transdisciplinary research, muutos sotilasorganisaatiossa, kokonaisarkkitehtuuri, systeemien evoluutio, digitaalinen muutos, keinoƤly, design-tutkimus, monitieteellinen tutkimus
Other note
  • [Publication 1]: Mattila Juha (2017): Using Evolutionary Theory in Studying the Development of Systems of Systems. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management; Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, pages 441-450, 22-23 June 2017
  • [Publication 2]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2017): Evolution of military enterprises. Presented in ISMS 2017 Conference, 15-17. November Oslo, Norway
  • [Publication 3]: Mattila, Juha (2016): Military Knowledge Management: Sense-making, decision-making and knowledge creation. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, pages 1053-1062, Ulster University Northern Ireland UK 1-2.9.2016
  • [Publication 4]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2016): Evolution of military information management. Published in War Studies University Security and Defence Quarterly, pages 46-73, 3 (12)
  • [Publication 5]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2017): Evolution of military information security. In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ECCWS 2017 University College Dublin Ireland, pages 610-618, 29 - 30 June 2017
  • [Publication 6]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2017): Predicting the architecture of military ICT infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems Management, Genoa, Italy, pages 188-198,14-15 September 2017
  • [Publication 7]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2018): Enterprise Architecture as a tool in military change management. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, ICMLG 2018. Hosted by Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA) at Bangkok University Bangkok, Thailand, pages 194-202, 24-25 May 2018
  • [Publication 8]: Mattila, Juha and Parkinson, Simon (2019): An Approach for Enterprise Architects to Analyse Opportunities and Constraints for Applying Artificial Intelligence in Military Transformations. In Proceedings of the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, ECIAIR 2019, in EM-Normandie Business School, Oxford, UK, pages 215-224, 31 October ā€“ 1 November 2019