A quantitative study on consumer willingness to purchase convenience goods based on green advertisements.
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School of Business |
Bachelor's thesis
Degree programme
(Mikkeli) Bachelor’s Program in International Business
48 + 10
Objectives The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between culture and green advertisement perception. Culture and advertisements are linked as shown by research. However, a gap in the knowledge was identified regarding the cultural dimension of indulgence and its effect on buying behavior. Thus, this research aims to investigate how the cultural dimensions of individualism versus collectivism, and indulgence versus restraint affect willingness to purchase green products. A gap was also found in the knowledge about culture as a driver of the green gap. The aim is to investigate differences between Finnish and Vietnamese consumers. Summary Initially, literature on green marketing and culture was reviewed. This was followed by an online quantitative survey study that measured the respondent’s environmental attitude, ranking on individualism, collectivism, indulgence, and their willingness to purchase green products based on the constructed advertisements. A total sample size of N = 81 was collected. Conclusions Regardless of culture, consumers showed an overall higher willingness to purchase green products than non-green products. Individualism and indulgence were linked to slightly higher perceptions of green advertisements, as they demonstrated a higher willingness to buy. The study did not find culture to be a driver of the green gap as individuals regardless of their culture, demonstrated similar behavior.Description
Thesis advisor
Shukla, PauravKeywords
green advertising, green marketing, green gap, culture, convenience goods, marketing