Enhancing and controlling valley magnetic response in MoS2/WS2 heterostructures by all-optical route
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Nature Communications, Volume 10, issue 1
Van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides with interlayer coupling offer an exotic platform to realize fascinating phenomena. Due to the type II band alignment of these heterostructures, electrons and holes are separated into different layers. The localized electrons induced doping in one layer, in principle, would lift the Fermi level to cross the spin-polarized upper conduction band and lead to strong manipulation of valley magnetic response. Here, we report the significantly enhanced valley Zeeman splitting and magnetic tuning of polarization for the direct optical transition of MoS2 in MoS2/WS2 heterostructures. Such strong enhancement of valley magnetic response in MoS2 stems from the change of the spin-valley degeneracy from 2 to 4 and strong many-body Coulomb interactions induced by ultrafast charge transfer. Moreover, the magnetic splitting can be tuned monotonically by laser power, providing an effective all-optical route towards engineering and manipulating of valleytronic devices and quantum-computation.Description
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Zhang, J, Du, L, Feng, S, Zhang, R W, Cao, B, Zou, C, Chen, Y, Liao, M, Zhang, B, Yang, S A, Zhang, G & Yu, T 2019, ' Enhancing and controlling valley magnetic response in MoS 2 /WS 2 heterostructures by all-optical route ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12128-2