Self-Stacked 1T-1H Layers in 6R-NbSeTe and the Emergence of Charge and Magnetic Correlations Due to Ligand Disorder

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ACS Nano, Volume 18, issue 32, pp. 21052-21060
The emergence of correlated phenomena arising from the combination of 1T and 1H van der Waals layers is the focus of intense research. Here, we synthesize a self-stacked 6R phase in NbSeTe, showing perfect alternating 1T and 1H layers that grow coherently along the c-direction, as revealed by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy shows a mixed contribution of the trigonal and octahedral Nb bands to the Fermi level. Diffuse scattering reveals temperature-independent short-range charge fluctuations with propagation vector qCO = (0.25 0), derived from the condensation of a longitudinal mode in the 1T layer, while the long-range charge density wave is quenched by ligand disorder. Magnetization measurements suggest the presence of an inhomogeneous, short-range magnetic order, further supported by the absence of a clear phase transition in the specific heat. These experimental analyses in combination with ab initio calculations indicate that the ground state of 6R-NbSeTe is described by a statistical distribution of short-range charge-modulated and spin-correlated regions driven by ligand disorder. Our results demonstrate how natural 1T-1H self-stacked bulk heterostructures can be used to engineer emergent phases of matter.
Publisher Copyright: © 2024 American Chemical Society.
2D heterostructures, ab initio calculations, ARPES, magnetism, transition metal dichalcogenides, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray scattering
Other note
Mahatha, S K, Phillips, J, Corral-Sertal, J, Subires, D, Korshunov, A, Kar, A, Buck, J, Diekmann, F, Garbarino, G, Ivanov, Y P, Chuvilin, A, Mondal, D, Vobornik, I, Bosak, A, Rossnagel, K, Pardo, V, Fumega, A O & Blanco-Canosa, S 2024, ' Self-Stacked 1T-1H Layers in 6R-NbSeTe and the Emergence of Charge and Magnetic Correlations Due to Ligand Disorder ', ACS Nano, vol. 18, no. 32, pp. 21052-21060 .