Connectivity alterations of mesostriatal pathways in first episode psychosis

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A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
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Schizophrenia, Volume 9, issue 1
Background and hypothesis: Pathogenic understanding of the psychotic disorders converges on regulation of dopaminergic signaling in mesostriatocortical pathways. Functional connectivity of the mesostriatal pathways may inform us of the neuronal networks involved. Study design: This longitudinal study of first episode psychosis (FEP) (49 patients, 43 controls) employed seed-based functional connectivity analyses of fMRI data collected during a naturalistic movie stimulus. Study results: We identified hypoconnectivity of the dorsal striatum with the midbrain, associated with antipsychotic medication dose in FEP, in comparison with the healthy control group. The midbrain regions that showed hypoconnectivity with the dorsal striatum also showed hypoconnectivity with cerebellar regions suggested to be involved in regulation of the mesostriatocortical dopaminergic pathways. None of the baseline hypoconnectivity detected was seen at follow-up. Conclusions: These findings extend earlier resting state findings on mesostriatal connectivity in psychotic disorders and highlight the potential for cerebellar regulation of the mesostriatocortical pathways as a target of treatment trials.
Funding Information: We thank all participants, Laura Hietapakka Marita Kattelus, Sanna Leppänen, Teemu Mäntylä, Tuula Mononen, and Eva Rikandi for their contribution to data collection. This work was financially supported by the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation (J.S. and T.T.R.), the Finnish Cultural Foundation (J.S.), the Academy of Finland (grants #278171 and #323035 to J.S. and #315861 to T.T.R.), the Finnish Medical Foundation (N.H., T.T.R.), State funding for university-level health research (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa #TYH2013332, #TYH2014228, #TYH2017128 to T.K.), and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for project METSY (# 602478 to J.S.). Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).
Other note
Hayward, N M E A, Triana, A M, Panula, J M, Kieseppä, T, Suvisaari, J & Raij, T T 2023, ' Connectivity alterations of mesostriatal pathways in first episode psychosis ', Schizophrenia, vol. 9, no. 1, 15 .