Standardin ISO 9001 eräs tulkinta "miten osuudesta" : miksi standardi ISO 9001 ei anna odotettua tulosta?
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Doctoral thesis (monograph)
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TKK dissertations,
The aim of this work is to show that a quality system, which fulfills the requirements of the standard ISO 9001 (SFS-EN ISO 9001 in Finland), is effective and suitable for the first phase in the building of a quality system. There were two reasons to make this work. Firstly, there are still products and especially services, which do not conform to the customer requirements. Secondly, there is no similar research of the suitability of the standards in Finland, although the ISO 9000 standards have been in use more than 20 years. The work is based on the experience of the researcher which is supported by the literature on the subject. Most information was found in research not conduct in Finland. The problems are therefore global. No differences were found between the Finnish and foreign problems. This does not, however, mean that there are no national differences. The starting point has been Chapter 1 in standard ISO 9001: 2001, where it is said: the quality system must enhance customer satisfaction continually. The requirements of a quality system in Chapters 4-8 have not been limiting factors but they have been thought of as examples how to apply the requirements of standard ISO 9001. The requirements of the standard must be applied as an organization wishes. This is not limited to the requirements in the standard. Quality, product, and process have been redefined. Futhermore the result of this work is that an efficient quality system can be constructed according to the requirements of standard ISO 9001, if the requirements are tailored suitable for the organization. This quality system is applicable as the first phase of any quality system. The most important interpretation is human and leadership. There must be rules and procedures which are accepted both by the management and the staff. Effective quality systems require a servicing principle, which is known in the whole organization and which has the aim of delivering to a customer a product or service which fulfills the customer requirements.Description
palveluprosessi, tuote, prosessi, laatu, ISO 9000, ISO 9001, laatujärjestelmä, laatukäsikirja, johdon sitoutuminen